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If this condition continues, please use the support options listed below.

Customer service and support YOUR way!

We understand that customer service can be very personal in how each individual person prefers to engage with us. Accordingly, we offer access to technical support via various methods:

  • Visit our Support portal
  • Email us at support@bccsoftware.com
  • Call us at 800-477-3602 (available Monday to Friday 8:00AM - 6:00PM EDT)
  • When submitting your technical support issue, make sure to specify which software product you are having an issue with (PostalWeb®, PostalWeb Desktop Dashboard™, PostalWeb Connector™, etc.), which version number of the software you are using, and a detailed description of the issue you are having. Also include any applicable Mail.dat files, shipping files, PDF's of postage statements, reports impacted, and screen shots of any error messages you are getting. Providing this information in advance will result in the fastest resolution to your issue.